Day 5 in Delhi meant I have been on stims for 11 days and suppression drugs for 33 days, so needless to say I am feeling it! My left ovary feels huge, especially when I pee. In the morning of Day 5 in Delhi we went to Lotus temple via auto rickshaw. The grounds of the temple are quite nice and the temple itself was as impressive as it was the first time I laid eyes on it. It is a Baha'i faith temple, welcoming people of all religion's to enter for silent prayer and reflection.
My sister doing her tourist pose |
Our rickshaw driver Raju offered to stay with us and take us on to other destinations, so after our temple visit we headed to Delhi Haat. Delhi Haat is a mid sized handicraft market located just minutes away from Lotus temple. I was remembered by some of the staff there, and I quickly saw the boy who grabbed my boobs last year when I was trying on a Sari! We ended up looking at Sari's to take home and my sister ended up buying one for herself and one for a gift. I caved, having never purchase one after 6 trips to India. I bought a beautiful Sari for Cailyn to have as she becomes a teenage girl. The woman selling us the saris was 8 months pregnant and very excited and nervous about the upcoming birth.
Making myself comfotable on the sari display |
Raju then took us to A1 Kailash Colony so I could have my scan. I waited only a short time for Dr S and watched as the surrogates came through the doors, one after another having completed their own scans for lining check. I looked at each girl to see if one was my surrogate, but I am sure mine were already in the van outside (I thought I saw them in the van as I got to the hospital). Once Dr S was done with the surrogates it was my turn. The sisters (nurses) asked me to pee then took me to the scan room. I love the sisters at Dr Shivani's hospital, they are all so sweet and also tell me how adorable Cailyn is! They recognize me from the pics of Mark,Cailyn and I that are included in the wall of fame at the front of the hospital. Dr S came in and we were ready to roll. My left side is indeed performing better than my right side, but nothing to stress about, just another few days of meds to ensure maximum egg maturity. Luckily I am able to see the end of needles in the next few days as I have my trigger shot in my fridge just waiting to be used!! The only worrisome bit is that my egg collection will be at 3pm and I will board a plane 17 hours later. I know Dr Shivani will ensure I am fit to fly, but I wished I had a day to recoup before flying...not the case this time, so I will just have to deal with it.
My big juicy folicles |
My sister and I ended up at YoChina for lunch and both had yummy sticky rice bowls!! Big time yummy!!
YoChina at M Block Market |
I had to return to Dr Shivani's office at 5:30 pm to do my legal stuff and meet my surrogates. As we sat in the lounge we met a couple from Tel Aviv and a second couple from Kitchener Canada. We invited them to join us at N Block market for dinner at Shalom (funny to invite two Israeli's to a restaurant named Shalom - food expectations for them may be higher than us). The boys from Tel Aviv came back after their meeting and confirmed the location for dinner, so we were pretty sure they were going to join us. Soon I had to do my shots so I was given the OB's office to do this and as I was mixing my meds and mixing the next meds with the next one the lawyer walked in and after a two second convo her left me to finish. I ended up with three needles and after slamming them into my fat rolls around my belly button we were then ready to continue on with the lawyer. I had soft copies of the contracts so I was able to review them in advance for correct spelling and dates. The whole legal process was very easy this time, like doing anything for a second time. Then, I met my surrogates. Both my surrogates have names that start with the letter "S" and they were both beyond adorable. SM #1 was just such a tiny girl and I felt like a giant towering over her. She was excited to have been selected and ready to get this show on the road. To me it is important that the SM's are excited and not too scared. The whole process for them must be nerve wracking! Then I met SM#2, who was somewhat bigger than SM#1. She too was excited to get going and hoping that we have success. Since these are my #9 and #10 surrogates in India, meeting them was not as emotional as in the past. I know I cannot get attached to these women, and I will more than likely not see them again unless we have success and I see them after the birth. For now, my surrogate meetings are quick, I am able to thank them for signing up and trying to help us grow our family. I know they are medically fit as Dr Shivani has this process down to a science. The meeting went well and then we were off to Shalom for dinner.
Shalom is a nice place, has a very western feel, tunes cranked, dim lighting and reasonably prices. About 15 months ago I had dinner with a couple who live quite close to me - they were trying to decide on clinics in India etc...and now, I sit with them here in Delhi as they await the arrival of their baby!!! So excited for them (I hope their baby comes while I am still here...but if not, I will see the baby at home in a few weeks)
My Canadian friends!!!!!!! I cannot wait for you to hold your baby!!! |
I am using a small 9" net book for blog updates so I apologize for the spelling or word issues...I am also too lazy to try and reread what I wrote on this tiny screen...signs that after 40 you might need glasses!
This all sounds so terrific. I am glad you met your surrogates. Do they have any tall ones or are they all tiny?:) Were either of the last two surrogates available this time or do they like to use only one new one each time? I find this all amazing. I know you will have success. How many eggs do you put in each surrogate? If they don't take (but I know they will) do you have the ability to do this again? Love you Kerrie and can't wait to see the post when both or one surrogate is pregnant with at least one but a possibility of 4???